Points Scan for Android and iOS!
Over 80,000 Installs!
14,155,759 Scans and searches (and climbing)!
202,159 book titles and 1,149,532 ISBNs in our database!
Want to know how many Accelerated Reader™ points a book is worth? Points Scan lets you scan a book’s barcode with your smart phone and instantly link to AR™ information.
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Satisfied Customers
"I'll never type a title again Had it 5 minutes. LOVE it! The days of standing at the library shelves typing in one title after another are over. Why didn't I know about this before?" - Jeremy W.
"Perfect! My school recommended it and now I don't know why I did not try it earlier!" - Amanda R.
"Absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this app. Has allowed me to instantly scan and get a level and points given for every title I've needed! Fantastic!" - Jalen S.